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000583_owner-lightwav…mail.webcom.com_Sun Aug 27 13:23:59 1995.msg
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Date: Sun, 27 Aug 1995 16:14:10 -0400 (EDT)
From: Blackout <blackout@igc.net>
To: stans@gateway.ecn.com
Cc: toaster@mail.webcom.com, lightwave@mail.webcom.com
Subject: Re: Anyone using Studio 16 with Flyer?
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Hi there Stan,
I just wanted to see if you got the 4.05 release of the Flyer software
yet and see how evrything is going. I am looking to purchase an Amiga
4000 with the toaster oven bay very soon and with a toaster/flyer system
so i am very excited about it with all the positive comments I have been
getting from flyer people lately. What I am trying to figure out now is
the best drives and video decks to use with the system. My main foootage
will mostly be shot on a Cannon L2 Hi8 camcorder and if I'l lucky some of
it will be shot on BetaSp UVW betacam. As for a recording deck I have
pretty much decided to go with the UVW 1800.
What do you think is a high quality Hi8 deck to use for playing the source
tapes into the FLYER? Also.. I will need a nice Super VHS deck as well,
can you recomend one?
Anyone else out there who is reading thois, please feel free to comment,
I am trying to compile the best Hi8 and Super equipment to work with the
Toaster/FLYER going into a UVW 1800 which will be dubbed to multiple
cable stations for broadcast.
Also, what is the best solution for controlling decks with the toaster
and Amiga? I am very much decided on the UVW 1800 as my recorder as I
can't afford the higher end PVW or BVWs, but I want a backup system
linear controller to use if I need to do something that doesn't work
right on the FLYER, even though I will mostly be editing on the FLYER.
Also, for BIG projects that are over and hour long, I will have to have
some sort of linear editing capabilities as well.
Blackout <blackout@igc.net> sent this message.
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